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April 17, 2009 Holly Setter 0

Over the past two months, fliers advertising Squeller have been posted on bulletin boards all over campus. The first round bore only the silhouette of a large black squirrel and the name Squelller, leaving many wondering what exactly Squeller was.

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Active minds on camera

April 17, 2009 Kelsey Lauer 0

It may be hard to read someone else’s mind, but it’s certain that they are “always thinking”—especially if they are Albion students.

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Safe book?

April 10, 2009 Danni Wysocki 1

Over 175 million people belong to the social networking Web site, Facebook. Founded in 2004, Facebook doubles in size every six months, adding on average 350,000 new members a day. If Facebook were a country, it would be the eighth most populated country in the world. But as Facebook continues to grow, so do the concerns of its users.