Taking it to the Streets — Parade restores Homecoming tradition
The 2010 Albion College Homecoming festivities kicked off on Saturday morning with the 175th Anniversary Parade, the first Homecoming parade the college has put on […]
The 2010 Albion College Homecoming festivities kicked off on Saturday morning with the 175th Anniversary Parade, the first Homecoming parade the college has put on […]
A video slideshow highlighting the Homecoming festivities of this past weekend, Oct. 1-3.
A change in federal accreditation standards is causing Albion College to re-evaluate its preparation of students for post-college life. The Higher Learning Commission (HLC) of […]
Most students ran as far away from schools as possible at the start of summer break, but Abby Schonfeld, Brooklyn senior, stayed put. She spent […]
MIAA play opens this Saturday, Oct. 2 for Briton football with their homecoming game against Kalamazoo College. After starting their season 1-3, there are several […]
Campus Tours, a videography company, visited Albion Sept. 15 through Sept. 17 to shoot footage for a virtual tour of the campus, and to develop a new design for the albion.edu website. The new site is expected to replace the current website owards the end of the fall semester.
Sophia Potoczak, Birmingham, junior, never intended to be covered under two health insurance policies. But when she received allergy shots last year, and expressed confusion […]
Author Margo Rabb was here on Thursday, Sept. 23 to give a reading from her most recent work, Cures for Heartbreak. The partially autobiographical novel […]
In a challenging economy, it’s harder than ever for recent college grads to figure out their plans post-college. Albion College graduates, however, have an advantage […]
On Sept. 21, Student Senate approved a recommendation for Euphonics, the co-ed a capella student organization, that preserved special exemption status and required debt to […]
Nolan Graff, Brighton junior, learned the art of sandwich punching in high school, and decided to share the rules of the game with his fraternity […]
On Sept. 16, Kappa Alpha Theta hosted their annual KATwalk fashion show. Theta was assisted with the help of several Greek Life organizations, and all […]
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