Q & A with Noel Niles
Noel Niles, Troy senior, shares her involvement with Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Photo courtesy of Noel Niles.
Noel Niles, Troy senior, shares her involvement with Alpha Kappa Alpha.
Photo courtesy of Noel Niles.
Albion residents participate in chalking on the last day of Festival of the Forks.
In spring of 2006, Barry Wolf, clinical psychologist and academic affairs staff member and Pam Schwartz, Learning Support Center director, began to have conversations about […]
David Carey, chemical hygiene officer, stands next to a shelf containing hundreds of organic compounds in the chemical supply room in Kresge Hall.
In January of 2009, 93 year-old Marvin Schur died a “slow, painful death,” according to autopsy reports, from hypothermia that occurred after an electricity limiting device was placed on his home. Schur was never informed a limiter had been placed on his home, may have suffered from short-term memory loss, was living alone and was found frozen to death in his ranch-style home at a temperature below 32 degrees Fahrenheit.
On March 28, Hattie Lafayette, Albion resident, celebrated her 112 birthday. Lafayette, born in 1897, is a supercentenarian, or someone who has lived past age 110. She is also verified as the 27th oldest person alive.
On April 17, Davan’s Restaurant is hosting a ladies’ night event in which male dancers, sponsored by Pure Romance, will perform from 10:30 p.m. until midnight.
In a statement released by the DDR last Tuesday, the presidential administration announced a $5,000,000.00 bailout plan for Albion College to cover the costs of needed expenses, including the implementation of flat screen TVs in Old Keller, art sculptures in the science complex and bicycles for the bike library.
While the majority of Albion College students are in their early 20s, in some classes in the city of Albion, the average age of a student is closer to 55.
Just in time for the Oscars on Feb. 22: what was your favorite movie of 2008?
For John Lautenslager, owner of Lautenslage-Lipsey appliance store in downtown Albion, business has been good. In recent weeks, the business has experienced an increase in customers rushing to purchase analog-to-digital converter boxes to prepare for the upcoming digital transmission. Now, owners of analog TV sets have more time to prepare for the switch over.
How do you feel about Michael Phelps smoking marijuana?
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