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Cricket team pessimistic on season

April 3, 2009 Lisa Hoehn 0

With the men’s cricket team season just around the corner and fresh off of a spring break trip, the Brits don’t have much hope for a winning season. According to rookie coach Rob Handler, hard work in practice and a competitive drive would help, but a general apathy dominates the team’s spirit.

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Not such a bright idea

March 27, 2009 Lisa Hoehn 2

Looking at compact fluorescent bulbs (CFLs), it becomes clear that they are no ordinary lights. Unlike their old-school incandescent counterparts, they aren’t bulbous, but are instead tubular and sculpted into a swirl.

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Tickets turn to food

March 27, 2009 Lisa Hoehn 0

The Bohm Theater will not be reopening this semester. The $8,660 allotted to the Bohm Movie Fee of the Student Activity Fund has been returned to students in the form of a $5 credit on each person’s student ID card toward Albion’s Eat Shop.

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Coming to America

February 13, 2009 Lisa Hoehn 0

When Kieran Lynch, 18, of Dunfermline, Scotland, and Eoghann Stephens, 18, of Portsmouth, England sat in London’s Heathrow airport, they only knew two things about each other: they were about to embark into a year-long foreign exchange program somewhere in the United Sates, and they both had a love for basketball.