Purple has been popping up throughout Albion’s campus—and it’s not a resurgence of Albion pride.
The sisters of Alpha Chi Omega are promoting their philanthropy this week with domestic violence awareness. Social networking has made a big impact on the advertising and promotion of domestic violence information available.
“I really feel strongly about my sorority’s cause and the impact we’re trying to make,” Sophie Khan, Canton sophomore, said. “A lot of our work goes into preventative action through learning about circumstances that have already occurred. It’s really startling what these women have gone through and I believe it’s important to share their experience.”
While seemingly simple, Facebook statuses have made an impact on those around campus well. Updated profile pictures advertising Go Purple Week and status updates have been a prominent factor in spreading the word.
“Seeing the updates on my friends’ pages with the statistics of domestic violence really made me think about how prevalent and serious this problem still is,” Emma Schaff, Jackson sophomore, said. “It seems like an issue of the past, but the amount of violence still occurring and still among social classes is really remarkable.”
Some of these shocking numbers include that about three quarters of women surveyed personally know someone who is or has been assaulted in domestic abuse advertised by Jennifer Polinski’s, Plymouth sophomore, Facebook status.
To help with the spread of awareness this year, purple hair extensions have been offered for six dollars to raise money for the battered women’s shelter, Safe Place, in Battle Creek.
“I think the extensions will be a great way to show not only a great accessory but also show girls who are willing to stand up for the cause. Not only will they look great, but also show people the supporting the cause,” Dana Sorensen, Birmingham junior, said.
“The most important thing is showing how many people are willing to stand up against it. One thing we really want to look for is prevention through education. We’re trying to show girls that love shouldn’t hurt.”
An issue that touches many people but often lacks news coverage, the Go Purple week hopes to change that fact.
“A big reason we have this week is that this is a really positive Panhellenic event for the community,” Kate Mahon, Haslett senior and president of Alpha Chi Omega, said. “It is not a competition among sororities, but instead it brings us together to recognize a serious issue and raise money for women that are affected by domestic violence.”
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