Brit Bits


Record: 4-8, 8-16 overall

This week: The Brits will face Kalamazoo College at home on Saturday, April 18 and will travel to Kalamazoo to play them again on April 19.

Last week: Albion was swept by Hope for the weekend. The Brits lost the doubleheader Friday, April 10 by scores of 10-1 and 8-6. The Britons lost Saturday’s doubleheader by scores of 8-1 and were no-hit the second game and lost 7-0.

Key player: Sam Prentice, Novi junior, scored Albion’s only run in Saturday’s matchup by hitting a solo homerun in his first at bat.


Record: 1-7, 2-8 overall

This week: The Britons will travel to Oberlin College, Ohio to play a doubleheader on Friday, April 18. Sunday, April 19 the Lady Brits will take on Anderson University, Ind. for another doubleheader.

Last week: Friday, April 10 the Brits split their doubleheader with Defiance College, Ohio, by scores of 4-2 and 3-2 with both games going into eight innings. Saturday, April 11, the Britons lost to St. Mary’s College by scores of 6-4 and 8-1.

Key Player: Morgan Barnes, Battle Creek junior, hit a homerun in the second game against Defiance College to win the game for the Britons.


Record: 0-1, 5-7 overall

This week: Albion will play Hope College Tuesday, April 21, in a MIAA home match up at 4 p.m.

Last week: The Brits went 1-2 on Friday, April 10 in the GLCA Championship tournament. They beat Wabash College 5-4, but lost to Kenyon 5-0 and Wooster 6-3.

Key player: In the Briton’s victory over Wabash College at the GLCA Championships, Danny Frank, Ann Arbor first-year, won his singles and doubles matches.


Record: 3-1, 11-4 overall

This week: The Lady Brits will take on Kalamazoo College in league play at home on Wednesday, April 22 at 4 p.m.

Last week: Albion defeated Adrian at home on Wednesday, April 8 by a score of 9-0. The Brits were victorious again Saturday, April 11 against St. Mary’s, 6-3.

Key Player: Halie Kerver, Jackson senior, won her matches against Adrian by scores of 6-0 and 6-2. She improved her singles record to 3-0 in the MIAA.


This week: Albion will travel to Berea, Ohio, to compete in the Paul “Sparky” Invitational on Saturday, April 18.

Last week: The Brits placed third over all in the MIAA Jamboree on Saturday, April 11.

Key Athlete: Reggie Pointdexter, Chattanooga, Tenn., first-year, was a member of the overall winning 4X100 relay team and individually place second in the 100 and 200 meter events.


This week: The Britons will travel to Berea, Ohio to compete in the Paul “Sparky” Invitational on Saturday, April 18.

Last week: The Lady Brits placed third overall in the MIAA Jamboree Saturday, April 11. After 20 events, MIAA powerhouse Calvin had 1016 points, followed by Hope with 945 points. Albion met their goal coming in third place with 710 points.

Key Athletes: Samantha Ritter, Vandercook Lake first-year, placed second in both the 100 and 200 meter events. Dori Williams, Williamston senior, placed second in the 100 meter hurdles.

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