After classes this Wednesday, laying in your twin xl with the sheets peeling off of the corners probably seems more appealing than weaving through madness on the quad, but this is an event you don’t want to miss. Brit Bash is the annual event on campus where all of the groups, clubs, and organizations set up a table and want to recruit you. Whether it’s intramural sports, the canoe club, or greek life…they’ll have a table up at Brit Bash! As a freshman, you have four years to leave your mark at Albion, and these groups will help you do just that.
- Wander – Take a lap around before you make any decisions on who to approach. You’ll be astonished at the amount of organizations that exist on our small campus. Most of the tables have a sign on the front with the groups name on it, giving you a sneak peek to what their organizations about. Make sure to check out the whole quad, because you might just find that there’s a group that you’d feel right at home in.
- Approach – I know, the thought of walking up to a bunch of awesome looking upperclassmen is intimidating…but let me assure you, they are there to impress you. These groups want to recruit and share their opportunities and great times with people who are interested. So if you feel like you might want to be a part of something, get in line and let them tell you all about why you should be in their group.
- Sign up – You might not get all the information you need just from listening to the groups at their booth, so if you feel like you’re interested be sure to exchange email addresses and get on board. If that’s not enough reason to get you to sign up, the free swag clubs give out will. Once you sign up, they will send you an email with more details, and about their first meeting time so that you can learn more about what they like to do. It doesn’t hurt to sign up, you’re only learning more about something that could potentially be the best decision you make all semester long.
- Don’t over sign up – Over committing isn’t good for you or your email inbox. There are going to be a lot of groups pulling you aside and asking if you want to learn more about them. It definitely doesn’t hurt to listen, but if you can’t see yourself being part of a group, it is okay to say no. If you sign up for everything, you’ll have a hundred emails in your inbox by Thursday morning. Don’t worry, though, if you find yourself with email regret later on. You can always remove yourself from them email list.
- Make connections – Even if you don’t see yourself participating in a certain group, there’s always an opportunity to make friends at Brit Bash. You could get lost in conversation with a member of the canoe club and realize you hate to canoe. Just be sure to be social and make friends and lasting connections.
So, hop out of bed and throw some shoes on. You’ll find yourself having fun and being social. These groups are all there to add to your college fun, take the opportunity!
Photo by Albion College Communications Office
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