Fundraiser Strikes Huge for Big Brothers Big Sisters

At Country Lanes on Nov. 19, many college students participated in a large fundraising event for Big Brothers and Sisters of Albion (BBBS). The annual event is targeted towards bringing in student volunteers to mentor underprivileged youth in Albion and surrounding communities.

 “This might be the biggest turnout we’ve ever had,” said  Andrea Bennet, fundraising associate. “(Big Brothers and Sisters) has always had a great relationship with the college and we’re always looking for volunteers.”

 The annual event is tagged as a wonderful opportunity for students in several of the college’s institutes and organizations to become involved on and off campus. Whether it is a Greek organization or team of community service volunteers, plenty of the participants responded in favor of the event benefiting the area’s youngsters.

 Nick Abbey, Caro sophomore, felt that “bowling for kids’ sake” was a great way to get off campus and show what he and his friends could do to come support a great cause.

 “It was something that I committed to at the beginning of the semester and I felt that I should stick with it whenever I was needed,” Abbey said.

Barrett also added the benefits of such a strong turnout for an organization as broad as Big Brothers Big Sisters. Out of the five counties that are involved with BBBS, more than 1,600 people are active, whether they be mentors or the ones being helped.

 “My sister went through the program last year and had nothing but great things to say about it, so I decided that it would be a great way for me to get out there and make a difference as well,” said Maria Kaisler, Tipton sophomore.

 Based on the feedback from both students and the organization’s administrators, BBBS of Albion will continue to seek out volunteers all year round to help inspire and direct the community’s growing youth.

 “I can’t stress enough how important this program is to our kids,” Barrett said. “Just think about how your parents, coaches and teachers have made an impact on you. There’s just no way we could have made it without them.”

Anyone interested in participating in Big Brother Big Sisters should contact Andrea Barrett at [email protected].

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