2012-13: The year in review

Albion College Quad

IT upgrades campus WiFi

“We were hearing from students that they are bringing this equipment and want wireless, and we wanted to be able to do that,” Stephen said. “I’m really pleased that we have gotten it in place for this year.”

CRE speaker presents

“We want to build our own high school and build 50 more schools in all districts of Uganda,” Jackson said. “Ours is a holistic approach where these centers of excellency provide all five basic human rights.”

Pesticide use on campus

“We learn and teach at Albion College with an obligation to take action on issues that concern us,” Dick said. “There is a disconnect with human vulnerability here. The college is not living up to its projected ideal of sustainability.”

New volleyball coach directs team 

“We are trying to figure out what it takes to be successful,” Slamer-De St. Aubin said. “Not just in terms of our record but playing consistently and incorporating what we learn in practice onto the court.”

Albion’s coming-out week

“This weeks stands for Albion College trying to make a move in becoming accepting and inclusive to all students,” said Phil Carlisle, Indianapolis sophomore. “It means a lot that the administration, faculty and staff have been showing support.”

Albion local injured in train accident

“I think that’s probably the most unlucky thing that could ever happen to you,” said Thor Person, Bloomfield Hills junior. “That’s such a shock. I think if anyone can make it out of this situation though, it would be him.”

Former Albion tennis coach passes away 

“[Frew] always took great pride in being a Brit,” said Marissa Cloutier, Grosse Ile junior. “He did everything he could to ensure that both the men’s and women’s teams were as competitive as possible.”

Dr. Andrew French runs for mayor

“I am currently a member of the Albion city council and in the last two years of serving in that capacity I have noticed that our current mayor does not seem to have, in my mind, the best interests of the city at heart,” French said.

President Obama re-elected

“I feel like its actually a good thing for four more years only because all the off the stuff he’s tried to do has been future-oriented, and now he has four more years to put those polices into action,” said Caitlyn Allen, Gladwin sophomore and member of College Democrats.

Albion welcomes students from French sister city

“All the Americans we met were very welcoming and nice,” said Clément Baillard, 17-year-old member of the Noisy basketball team. “We came to play basketball, and there was a real fair play with the Americans players.”

Professor’s documentary featured at film festivals

“It is very much a meditation on what film can do and how films act upon audiences and vice versa,” Cocks said. “It’s a dialogue…the film [Room 237] is very much a love letter to cinema and to Kubrick’s cinema in particular because his cinema is so rich in ideas and rich in unique cinematic techniques.”

Albion, Bon Appétit announce Baldwin renovations

“When students return from spring break, they will transition to upper Baldwin to use as their temporary dining hall,” Tekiele said. “The kitchen is still an operational until after graduation, so only the dining room is under construction.”

New gender-neutral housing options

“It’s so easy for the voice of the minority to be lost, to be under-represented, to be silenced,” Carlisle said. “If a student feels uncomfortable – based upon their gender or sexuality – to live in a specific type of housing arrangement, changes need to be made.”

Snyder appoints EFM to Detroit

“These concepts are not rare or unusual concepts,” Orr stated. “They’ve happened in other circumstances. The city is cash-strapped. It’s a crisis. The crisis is severe. So I think you have to look at everything, even with the emotional overlay.”

President Randall steps down, Frandsen replaces

“I have a wonderfully supportive Board of Trustees and Board chair,” Randall said. “I am fortunate to have maintained such strong support from the Board over so many years. After I decided to step down in June, I was honored to be asked by the Board chair to stay on as chancellor for a year.”

U of M reaches Final Four

“We never had the mindset that we were going to lose the game,” Burke said. “When we were down 14, we knew anything could still happen. It’s March, anything can happen.”

Police issue causes Equestrian Center evacuation

“No one in the area reported hearing any gun shots,” said Kenneth Snyder, director of campus safety. “When the police found the man he refused to let anyone get near him. This suggests the mental state this man was in.”

College provides summer courses for first time 

“Online classes are a reality nationwide, and I think that if a college wants to progress, they should fall in line and at least have some offering that would benefit students,” Achenback said. “I think it’s a really good move for the college.”

Albion community talks Bohm renovations

“People are seeing that Albion wants to improve,” Schultheiss said. “Grant providers notice that people want to make a difference in their community, even if it’s something like improving the sidewalks.  We want to be a community that provides opportunities for everyone that lives here.”

Timeflies performs at Dow for Big Show

“[Cal] was really excited to do the freestyle, and I could tell it was his favorite part about the show,” Strite said. “While talking him through what the freestyle topics were about, he seemed to like getting to know Albion.”

Graffiti covers campus after Greek Week ’13

“In my opinion that act was ignorant,” Snyder said. “If it was one of our students, it was a waste of money, not to mention an embarrassment to the college. If it wasn’t one of our students, then I would want them to know that we’re going to try to catch them. If anybody knows anything, we’d love to hear from them.”

Photo by Nick Diamond

About Nicholas Diamond 50 Articles
Nick is a junior from Rochester, Mich., majoring in French and minoring in cell and molecular biology. He has interests in serving Doctors Without Borders and in writing medical journalism. Follow him on Twitter @docteur_diamond.

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