Comic: Defending Disability Rights: The Fight to Save Section 504

An illustration of a person with black hair and green diamond shaped eyes sitting behind a mic says “Coming to you from the Albion Pleiad with some distressing news. There is currently a big threat to disability rights. 17 states are filing to completely get rid of Section 504 of the rehabilitation act!”
Two characters discuss a big threat currently facing Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act which according to, protects equal access to public services for people with disabilities (Illustration by Noah Guevara).

An illustration of two people having conversation sitting behind mics. The person on the right, who has black hair and green diamond shaped eyes, asks “what does this mean?” The person on the left, with green hair and red diamond shaped eyes, says “If these states were successful then there would be nothing protecting disabled people from discrimination.”

An illustration of a person with black hair and green diamond shaped eyes running across the panel says “Section 504 is what guarantees equal access to education, employment, healthcare, and public services for people with disabilities.” A line up of simple illustrations depicting multiple different types of disabilities underneath the text.

An illustration of two people having a conversation. The person on the right, with green hair and red diamond shaped eyes, says “Well why should I care? I’m not disabled.” The person on the left, who has black hair and green diamond shaped eyes says “Why does something have to directly affect you for you to care? Your friends or family might be. Even you might become disabled one day.”

An illustration of two people having a conversation. The person on the left, who has black hair and green diamond shaped eyes, says “This isn’t just another policy, this is about our lives, our access and our future.” The person on the right, with green hair and red diamond shaped eyes, says “What can I do to help?” The person on the right, who has black hair and green diamond shaped eyes, says “ If you do not live in  one of the 17 states that is  currently suing to eliminate  section 504, then you  can call or email your state general attorney and ask them to file an amicus brief to support section 504!”

An illustration of two people having a conversation. The person on the top right, with green hair and red diamond shaped eyes, says “The National Disabilities Rights Network and The Arc of the United States are both working hard to challenge these states.” The person on the bottom left, who has black hair and green diamond shaped eyes, says “You can find them at and for petitions and other resources to help protect disability rights.”

About Noah Guevara 6 Articles
Noah Guevara is a first-year from Dallas, Texas. He is majoring in Biology on the pre-vet track. Noah seeks to bring awareness about disabilities/accessibility and and visual clarity to his audience. Can be found wheeling around or stomping with a cane, always willing to say hi. Contact Noah via email [email protected]

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