With the second MIAA conference game for the Brits on the horizon, alumni, students, staff and community members gathered together to show their school spirit. The Homecoming tailgate had something for everyone, from the welcome tent giving out stickers to the kids tent with crafts – people of all ages found ways to get involved and gear up for the game.
As part of the Homecoming festivities, the Alumni Association Board of Directors hosted their annual tailgating competition before the football game. The competition this year was judged by Meaghan Cole, alumna ‘09, Kevin Opple, alumnus ‘93 and Physics Department Chair Nicolle Zellner. The tailgating competition was held from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. as judges walked through the tents and eventually regrouped to decide winners.
According to Amy Everhart, alumna ‘08, and director of alumni engagement, each team was judged in three categories: Best Food (“Better than Baldwin”), Best Drink (“Brit Spirit”) and Most School Spirit (“Io Triumphe”).
“We started this activity as a way to build off the energy of the Homecoming tailgate and to facilitate groups mixing and mingling with each other,” Everhart said.
Anyone on campus can compete in the competition – whether in all categories or just one Chuck Coutteau, ‘16 alumnus and member of the alumni association board of directors, said. Each team that won receives a ribbon from the judges at the end of the tailgate.
“The tailgating competition is for staff, students, facility and whoever wants to participate,” Coutteau said. “They all find out the winners right before the start of the game.”
According to an email from Zellner, the winners were as follows:
“Better Than Baldwin”: Black Alumni Chapter won for their gumbo and the Kzoo Brits for their burritos.
“Brit Spirit”: Softball Parents’ tailgate for their apple cider moonshine.
“lo Triumphe”: The science tailgate because the sciences and science-adjacent programs gathered together.
Honorable mentions to the Classes of 2004 and 2014 for their “amazing tailgates” Coutteau said via email.
Editor’s Note – 5:30 p.m., Monday, Oct. 7. The list of winners and a new photo was added.

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