Letter From the Editor: Grieving Together

The Pleiad Logo, a gothic capital “P” within a black circle, on a white background.

I remember that I was walking and glanced at my phone. I saw a familiar name, the name of someone I greatly admired and had found connection with. I clicked and dropped my phone.

Clark Dawood had died. 

How could that be? We just spoke last week.

It’s been weeks and I still don’t believe it. How could someone so full of life be dead?

The last time I spoke to Clark, he was so excited to see me. We were manning the alumni tent at the welcome barbeque together, him for Institutional Advancement, me for Albion-O. He told me how much he missed being involved directly with Albion-O, he missed the leaders and the students.

Last year, Clark was one of my points of connection at Albion because of the relationship we cultivated during Albion-O. He quickly became someone that I knew would be there for me if I needed it. He was that for a lot of people, a friendly face and an unmistakable laugh.

Clark was one of the first people to champion the Pleiad’s multimedia efforts, he was so excited to see us grow; to see me grow. When I told him at the barbeque I was going to be editor-in-chief again he was so excited for me, for what I would do. That’s who Clark was: a champion of students and their passions.

Before I left for the evening, I said to Clark:

“Well if I don’t see you, I’ll have to come visit your new office downtown!”

He said to me, with a laugh and a wave of his hand:

“Oh don’t worry Bella, you’ll see me plenty.”

In a way, he was right.

I see him all over campus, in the places where we spoke, in the hallways where I could hear his laugh echoing. I think of him every time I use my favorite fidget toy that he recommended to me. But most of all, I am reminded of him when Albion College triumphs. He loved this college and the people who call it home. 

I will miss him greatly, and I know many of you will too. 

To read the memories of others who knew him, consider reading a memorializing feature published today “Remembering Clark Dawood: ‘His Care for Students was Boundless.’” I’d also like to invite you to share a memory or moment of Clark: comment on this letter or write to [email protected].

A professional closeup photo of a middle-aged man smiling subtly at the camera. He is wearing a dark blue jacket over a lavender sweater, and behind him is a white backdrop.
Clark Dawood, alumnus ‘98, director of philanthropy and former assistant dean for community living and student conduct. On Aug. 30 students were informed of Dawood’s death (Photo courtesy of Melissa Anderson).
About Bella Bakeman 71 Articles
Bella Bakeman is a senior from Berkley, Michigan. She is majoring in English with a Secondary Education Concentration and minoring in Political Science. Bella seeks to bring both joy and justice to her readers. She can be found with a camera around her neck, notebook in hand and pen in her pocket. Contact Bella via email at [email protected].

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