I remember that I was walking and glanced at my phone. I saw a familiar name, the name of someone I greatly admired and had found connection with. I clicked and dropped my phone.
Clark Dawood had died.
How could that be? We just spoke last week.
It’s been weeks and I still don’t believe it. How could someone so full of life be dead?
The last time I spoke to Clark, he was so excited to see me. We were manning the alumni tent at the welcome barbeque together, him for Institutional Advancement, me for Albion-O. He told me how much he missed being involved directly with Albion-O, he missed the leaders and the students.
Last year, Clark was one of my points of connection at Albion because of the relationship we cultivated during Albion-O. He quickly became someone that I knew would be there for me if I needed it. He was that for a lot of people, a friendly face and an unmistakable laugh.
Clark was one of the first people to champion the Pleiad’s multimedia efforts, he was so excited to see us grow; to see me grow. When I told him at the barbeque I was going to be editor-in-chief again he was so excited for me, for what I would do. That’s who Clark was: a champion of students and their passions.
Before I left for the evening, I said to Clark:
“Well if I don’t see you, I’ll have to come visit your new office downtown!”
He said to me, with a laugh and a wave of his hand:
“Oh don’t worry Bella, you’ll see me plenty.”
In a way, he was right.
I see him all over campus, in the places where we spoke, in the hallways where I could hear his laugh echoing. I think of him every time I use my favorite fidget toy that he recommended to me. But most of all, I am reminded of him when Albion College triumphs. He loved this college and the people who call it home.
I will miss him greatly, and I know many of you will too.
To read the memories of others who knew him, consider reading a memorializing feature published today “Remembering Clark Dawood: ‘His Care for Students was Boundless.’” I’d also like to invite you to share a memory or moment of Clark: comment on this letter or write to [email protected].

This is a beautiful piece, Bella. Thank you for sharing your memories of Clark with us and I’m sorry for your loss.