Heidi Faramelli, Copy Editor
What stickers mean to Faramelli: My laptop stickers reveal that I love to read, and I have nostalgic memories of the Scholastic Book Fair. Also, I love to write – especially for the Pleiad, but also in general. I love the Peanuts comics and Snoopy, because they are wholesome and show me that there is good in the world. I love my dog, Millie, who is a golden retriever. I used to live in Colorado, which is a place filled with a lot of amazing childhood memories for me. Also, I love New Girl — disclaimer: I do eat vegetables AND take care of myself, but Nick Miller is just so funny I had to include him.

Bella Bakeman, Editor-in-Chief
What stickers mean to Bakeman: I always have my laptop open, so my stickers are often the first thing people see when they meet me. To me, having stickers that represent things I love or believe in is really important because it gives people a way to approach me if they want to. I like to make sure there’s always stickers representing books, music and hobbies that I love – as well as human rights issues I’m passionate about. And of course, a Pleiad sticker.

Katherine Simpkins, Media Editor & Co-Marketing Coordinator
What stickers mean to Simpkins: Although I love all of my stickers, my favorite is the giant red one. I am a very emotional person who can be sensitive at times. Even though I have a bark and bite, I still like to be handled with care. At work we have stickers we put on packages when there are fragile items inside, hence the sticker in the top left corner. I took one and put it on my laptop because I, too, need to be handled with care and can be fragile at times.

Lindsay Ratcliffe, Part-time Staff Writer
What stickers mean to Ratcliffe: For me, my laptop stickers are your way to get to know me if you’re shy. I try to show my personality and my values in my laptop stickers. Some things are simple, like pointing out what sorority I am in or my majors. But others are things that you might not know, like how I absolutely love reading or that I drink coffee.
Favorite stickers: I have two different favorite stickers. My first one is the pink outline with the words “do something with your life that will make a mediocre white man angry,” because it makes me laugh, and reminds me of all the things I do by simply being myself that would make a mediocre white man angry. The second sticker is the abstract version of Ross from “Friends” saying “I’m fine” in a squeaky voice. I love this one because I always feel so stressed like Ross was in this episode.

Aidan Shapiro, Part-time Staff Writer
What stickers mean to Shapiro: Overall, I feel as though my stickers represent my likes pretty well. I love Star Wars, so I have a lot of Star Wars stickers on my laptop. Just like how I play lacrosse, so I have a lot of lacrosse related stickers too. I’m also very passionate about music, so I have a couple stickers taken off of vinyl album wrappings.

Phoebe Holm, Part-time Staff Writer
What stickers mean to Holm: As cliche as it sounds, I like to think they represent me as an individual. They are there for a specific reason to show people places I have been, places I love, details and personality traits of mine, things I’m involved in and ideas I believe in. The theme is all over the place but that’s what I love about it. My favorite one of my collection is the antisocial butterfly, which mostly encapsulates my personality. Always fluttering about trying my best to avoid people and interaction.

Jocelyn Kincaid-Beal, Volunteer Staff Writer
What stickers mean to Kincaid-Beal: I love my laptop stickers; they’re so fun and colorful and they encapsulate a lot of my personality and things I like. There’s queerness, Stardew Valley, Squishmallows, Taylor Swift… that’s pretty much all there is to me.
Favorite sticker: My favorite sticker is the badger with butterfly wings and a mushroom hat. He is just a whimsical little fellow, and that is what I inspire to be. He’s also drawn by an Ann Arbor artist, and I’m always happy to rep artists from home.
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