Since March 26, Albion College’s campus has been plagued with racist, insensitive and condemnable actions that pose a threat to the campus’ Black community. A threat to the Black students in Albion College is a threat to the community at whole. The Pleiad stands with the affected students and against the perpetrators of these insolent actions.
Albion College is meant to be a place of belonging, a place where students, staff and faculty come together in equality. It is meant to be a place where everyone not only accepts one another, but searches to know one another’s differences and backgrounds in order to fully support each other in our academic, extracurricular and, most importantly, life endeavors.
The harmful actions that have taken place on campus the past two weeks, and actions that have taken place before then, work in direct opposition of the college’s mission to make every student feel valued and heard.
The function of The Pleiad is to give voice to the student body and to make sure they have a platform that supports the messages they believe in and want the student body to hear – so long as those messages are inclusive and respectful to each and every individual student on campus.
The hate that was spread on campus in recent weeks contradicts the inherent values of the publication. Such atrocities undermine the voice, importance and safety of students on this campus – students who make this campus what it is and comprise an important part of our campus community.
Any act of racism, any act of discrimination, is intolerable in the eyes of Pleiad staff members. We stand for diversity. We stand for inclusion. We stand for belonging. We do not stand for acts of cowardly malice, such as those that have been spread in what are supposed to be places of safety around campus.
During this time, before this time and after this time, our publication encourages students to use their voices. We encourage them to stand up for themselves and what they believe in, to condemn hatred and condone love for one another.
To those hurting, to those impacted, know that you are not alone, and know that we, members of The Pleiad staff stand with you and support you always. You are heard by us, and we are here to make sure the campus community hears you as well.
The Pleiad will continue reporting on the events that occurred on campus as more information is made available. We will dedicate space and room in our publication to make sure time, effort and care are poured into this most serious of issues.
We stand with you not only now, but always.
Anyone with information about these incidents is encouraged to contact Albion College Campus Safety ([email protected] or 517-629-1234) or the Albion Department of Public Safety (517-629-3933) to make a report.
<> then wait for a retraction and apology….waiting….waiting…waiting…hello? “Is there anyone home? It’s intellectual honesty knocking on the door, hoping to come inside for a chat…”