Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, Albion College switched to the module system, which began in the Fall semester of 2020. The implementation of the module system came with a new registration process for all students.
Instead of registering for every class in one day, the new registration process is spread out over a period of four days. Each student, regardless of their class standing (or standing year), receives an assigned registration time that is the same for each of the four days of registration, which are the same dates for every student.
Students are told to rank classes by importance or desire and are suggested to prioritize major requirements first, core graduation requirements second and elective desires third.
Students like Ashley Pion, a sophomore from Edwardsburg, said they are feeling stressed when having to choose which class to register for first.
“I dislike [the registration process] because I feel like it’s unfair and hard to predict what classes to schedule for first because you never know if you would get that class or not,” said Pion. “Plus, it is very stressful personally not knowing right away.”
Andrew Dunham, the associate dean of academic affairs and registrar, sent an email to the student body explaining the registration process. The email states that seniority is still in effect, but some students feel as if it is not.
“Our new registration style puts upperclassmen at a disadvantage,” said Jenna Khoury, a junior from Farmington Hills. “Having more credits is no longer important and upper level classes or graduate school prerequisites are extremely competitive to get into because everyone has equal priority.”
Another junior, Lexie Davidson from Crowswell, also believes that everyone has equal priority under the module system of registration.
“[The registration process] puts everyone on the same playing field when upperclassmen should get priority,” said Davidson.
Students are currently registering for the spring semester, giving seniors a shorter amount of time to take the classes that they might still need. Tasi Martinez, a senior from Rapid River, said thinks the new registration does not ensure seniors get the classes they need like prior years have.
“Before this year, seniors have always been able to register for their classes first. This made sense since in many cases, seniors have to get into certain classes in order to graduate. The closer you get to graduation, the less wiggle room a student has to get in the classes they need to graduate,” said Martinez via email. “This new system prevents students, especially upperclassmen, from being able to ensure they can get in the classes they need. Underclassmen have more wiggle room and time in their schedules to finish up the classes they need, seniors do not have that option.”
Students will have to make time in their schedules for four different registration periods, which have the possibility of running into class blocks.
“This is extremely disruptive to the classes and it is not a one and done type deal. Registration times will affect/disrupt classes four different days and disruptions can occur throughout the class since registration blocks are spaced out by 30 minutes,” said Martinez. “The new module system is already hard enough as it is, losing time in the classroom because of registration two weeks before finals is hard on students and professors.”
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