On Oct. 31, Albion put on an event to celebtrate Dia de Los Muertos, or Day of the Dead (Photo by Patrick Smoker).
On Thursday, the Organization for Latinx Awareness (OLA) held their annual event celebrating Día De Los Muertos, a holiday that is celebrated Throughout Mexico and Latin America, at the Umbrella House. During the celebration, people make altars or ofrendas to honor the loved ones they have lost. For the event, attendees were told to bring pictures of loved ones that have passed in order to honor them on the altar. OLA served conchas, Abuelita hot chocolate, and vanilla and strawberry alote.
Feliz Día De Los Muertos banners were made by Carolina Sandoval, a senior from Los Angeles, Calif., and the historian for OLA. The banners were decorated with Marigolds and skulls to represent two things that are put on the altars (Photo by Patrick Smoker).Attendees were told to bring pictures of their past loved ones to put on the Day of the Dead altars. These photos are placed on the altar as a way to keep the image of the lost one still alive (Photo by Patrick Smoker).Attendees painted skulls as one of the activities at the Day of the Dead celebration. People paint their faces to appear similar to the skull of a lost loved one. Instead of face paint attendees painted Styrofoam skulls (Photo by Patrick Smoker).Conchas were served to the attendees of the celebration to eat while they painted the skulls. Conchas are a tradition to be served and ate during the celebration. Conchas are made of a sweet bread roll, with a crumbly cookie dough for the topping (Photo by Patrick Smoker).OLA put out Abuelita hot chocolate, vanilla and strawberry alote to drink. Abuelita hot chocolate is used for many different hot chocolate recipes during the Mexican holiday (Photo by Patrick Smoker).
Patrick Smoker is a senior from Kalamazoo, Michigan. He is majoring in Geological Sciences with a minor in GIS. In addition to being a photographer for the Pleiad, He also plays tennis for the men’s tennis team.
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