It was a hot summer day. I was outside, annoyed, tired and working away at fixing our broken garden hose spout. The pipe that led to the spigot went under our deck, where it had cracked over the winter. I was called to brave the spiders and years of forgotten chew toys in order to fix the pipe.
It was truly an unpleasant experience, crawling on hands and knees through the sandy residue at the base of our house, being careful not to be cut by stray nails or broken glass. As I was crawling, I spotted a strange stone, oddly shaped, shaped like an arrowhead.
My first reaction was skepticism. I picked it up to examine it but did not believe that it was real. It was just laying there under our deck after all.
But I held onto it, and when anthropology and sociology chair Bradley Chase started talking about Native American projectile points in his Ancient Civilizations class, I wanted to learn more about the arrowhead that I had found.
I therefore set out to verify and identify my artifact. The first thing I had to do was learn more about arrowheads themselves.
One of the reasons I was doubtful of the authenticity of my arrowhead originally was because I’d seen boxes of fake arrowheads for sale in tourist trap locations all over the country. Chase told me that this is called flintknapping.
Flintknapping is the process of making stone tools using traditional methods. Today, it is done as a hobby. In the past, it was a vital part of everyday life to know how to make these tools.
“[They] use a variety of different types of what flintknappers call ‘hammers’. These could be different sized stones that they use, a hammer stone, or the different parts of an antler, like the base part of an antler. Or [they could use] the tip of an antler as like a punch. And then they take chips of stone off of a larger stone, and turn it into an arrowhead,” said Chase.
The first hint as to whether an arrowhead is genuine or hobby-made the context of where it was found.
“If an arrowhead is found in a farmer’s field where they might have plowed over an archeological site then it is not so likely to be fake,” said Chase.
Most old arrowheads will have a patina, imperfections and a rough and discolored surface.Old arrowheads are also more likely to have flaws than their hobby-made counterparts. They often have chips and flaws from times that they may have been re-sharpened or broken and discarded.
Arrowheads made as a hobby are crafted to show off the hobbyist’s skill. “Flintknappers, who do it as a hobby, will be very precise,” said Chase.
He then brought out some hobby-made arrowheads to show me. I was shocked by the obvious difference. As he said, the new ones were incredibly precise, often with very fine flakes, rather than the wide chips on the arrowhead that I’d found.

So, was my arrowhead the real deal? Yes, it was.
I then had to set about identifying it, and I wanted to know if some novice, layperson like myself could do that.
“There are really comprehensive books that are designed for that exact purpose. It’s a hobby like bird watching is a hobby. Yeah, it’s totally possible for a layperson to identify arrowheads,” Chase said.
So, I dug into the books. There were so many and it took time. But I believe I’ve gotten a good approximation of the time period that my arrowhead belongs to. It is a part of the Godar Notched Point Cluster.
These points can be found from the Great Lakes to the Mississippi River and date to around 3500 B.C. This one was likely made by a member of the Potawatomi Tribe, as that is the tribe that lived in the area that I live in. Perhaps it was even made by a member of the Pokagon Band, the descendants of whom still live there.
So, then we come to why this matters. It is so incredible to hold something so old, so distant, yet so tied to the land that I grew up on.
Chase summed it up quite well. “Beautiful objects like these arrowheads provide a sense of connection between the present and the past, between the modern and the ancient.”
Arrowheads, and other like projectile points, were made across the planet for tens of thousands of years.
“We humans living today would not be here if it were not for ancient people using tools like this to survive,” said Chase.
It is possible that you may have come across an arrowhead or two that you are equally curious about, so I asked Chase how a person could dig into identifying such an object.
“I am really willing to show people where the resources are and set them down with a magnifying glass and a couple of books,” said Chase. “If you’ve got an arrowhead and you want to try to identify what it is and where it came from, bring it over.”

I’m 63 yrs old and have lived around the Green Isle area most of my life. Me and my sibs have been searching for, and finding, Indian artifacts around the Erin and Washington lake areas and through the years have gotten a collection of different pieces. I would like to show someone pictures of some of the items to have them verified. I am not very computer savy but have some pictures
My arrowheads are from sand mtn. Alabama could someone tell wat site I might find out the history would be on?
@ Preston Austin
A good website to check out would be the Projectile Point Identification Guide at http://www.projectilepoints.net
Hi my name is Matt Ellis I found what looks like an axe head to me.But I’m no expert.so I start cleaning it up a bit bc it was very muddy and I started seeing drawings and such just trying to find out what I have it has on blade edge a 10in width from blade to pick point 11in with a weight of 8 to 10 pound
My few arrowheads & broken pottery are from North East NM area. I was taken there by a local. Hoping for a link to the best place to contact for info @ them. THX!
Id be glad to look not a expert but have colleted for years and will ing to buy small colletions and pieses
I’ve got an Arrowhead that is common but it wasn’t made like you think. The only one made this way.i found this Arrowhead and my cousin came up and we went down the same Creek and he found a chunk of Flint with the Arrowhead I have knocked from..I have proof some were made this way..I knew no one would believe.. a couple years later I found a chunk of Flint with an Arrowhead popped from both sides. Proof. the only kind ever found… evolve your self.
I can send pictures.
I to have found an arrowhead t hat looks teal to me. I found it on the shore of the Tennessee river in Cherokee Al. I hope its real and can’t wait to find out but not sure where to look. If you could tell me where to search I’d appreciate it very much..
I purchased an 8 inch spearhead with inverted curves and does not appear to be like the gray ghost spearheads I have looked at on Reinhardts pages! Would like to send a picture if that would be possible to see what I may have bought it is truly unique in its design!
Nice article but your information is seriously lacking. The main thing is that people have been faking arrowheads to make them look like the real thing for over 100 years. They apply fake patina and use a number of different methods to make them look old, complete with a CoA. For some pieces it takes a very knowledgeable person and a microscope to determine authenticity. This is all done to scam collectors who don’t know any better. You will find tons of these pieces on ebay. Many a retirement fund has been lost this way. Also, ancient points can be flawless in every way. You can still determine authenticity with a microscope. The “modern” point you have pictured is not a knapped piece, it’s a stamped out tourist item made in India. Modern knappers, even bad ones, make better pieces. Your piece doesn’t appear to be a godar. Although it’s hard to tell without the base a godar will have very well defined shoulders. Finally, it’s impossible do credit a tribe to most pieces. Natives were nomadic for the majority of their history in north America. Also, tribe names didn’t come about until Europeans arrived. You can attribute different cultures but not tribes. Hope this helps. Your piece does appear to be authentic.
Robert McLean you can send me a picture to [email protected] and I can help you.