Behind the Career Development Office

Students wanting to share their opinions on current or future student housing can go to the institutional advancement office on the second floor of Ferguson, pictured above. Students can also email [email protected]. (Photo by Pleiad staff.)

New advancements in the Career Development Office are getting many students excited about future employment and internships. But how instrumental is the Career Development Office in students’ success?

Troy Kase, director of the student development office, has been working hard to develop efficient processes to help students network and find career opportunities.

“There are many ways in which the Career and Internship Center assists students with their internship search,” Kase said.  “This would include personal assistance with resume writing, cover letter writing, interviewing, Briton Network, alumni networking, off-campus center and connecting to Albion supporters.”

Lequietta Perkins, Chicago, Ill., senior has had firsthand experience with the Career Development Office throughout her search for employment. Perkins stated that the Career Development Office has helped her to make many connections in her field of mass communications.

“The internship [office] helped me as far as where I could find the internships that I wanted to do and helped me connect with some alumni and some ideas of what paths I could take with the major that I want to do,” Perkins said. “It was because of them that I’m actually getting connected with these people because they gave me the proper tips and guided me in the right path.”

Through her own personal relations, Perkins has found a job opportunity in New York City, working as Public Relations Manager for an up-and-coming television show, The Sunni Valentine Show. Perkins will be working with a long-time friend, and her job will include opportunities to work with networks such as ESPN and Power 105.1.

While Perkins does appreciate Career Development’s role in helping her apply for internships that ultimately led to where she is today, she attributes much of her success to her personal connections and professors of Albion College.

Margaux Kabodian, Novi sophomore, however, has had a very different experience. While only a sophomore, Kabodian has had overwhelmingly positive and fruitful experiences with the career development office.

“The Career Development Office has helped me out on my interview search in so many ways,” Kabodian said.  “They have prepped me before interviews, given me Albion contacts at places I am interested in and edited my resume. I have found it very helpful.  The new layout is very open and welcoming, and I find myself stopping in the office regularly.”

As a product of the Career and Internship Center, Kabodian has had internships in the areas of marketing, sales and finance.  She knows she could not have attained this kind of success without the help of their office.

“I feel that Albion’s staff has helped prepare me for interviews and given me the knowledge and tools to present my best foot forward,” Kabodian said.

Kase shares that while the Career and Internship Office does seek to aid students in their job or internship search, the students must be prepared to work for their opportunity.

“In the end, though, it is the student’s responsibility to ‘seal the deal’ for an internship,” Kase said.  “It is important that both the internship site and the intern feel that it is a good fit.”

Photo via PureMichigan

About Kylie Ambu 11 Articles
Kylie is a first-year from Brown City, Michigan. She is a double-major in Professional Communication & Production and English, with a focus on Broadcast Journalism.

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