Albion Today – Plebian Style

Delta Alpha Beta presents Drinks with DAB

Come join the sisters of Delta Alpha Beta for some fun drinking activities! Refreshments will be provided!

When: Thursday, April 5th from 7:30-9 pm
Where: Delta Alpha Beta Lodge
Hope to see you there!
If you have any questions, please contact Eve Smith
Posted by: Eve Smith – [email protected]

Kwakiutl Awareness Dinner

Come join the Kwakiutl Awareness group during their annual dinner. For those who don’t know, the Kwakiutl are group of 28 tribes from Canada. Our goal is raise money to help them give up their polar bears and maple syrup and bring them to America. Come to the KC Stacks on Monday April 2nd and eat the traditional dish of raw fish and syrup of the Kwakiutl people. Tickets will be sold at the door for $3, other donations are welcome.

Posted by: Tal Van Der Koon – [email protected]


Join the Pleiad Staff  for a “Welcome to the Future” event
Join the Pleiad staff as we hold hands, sing Kumbaya, and celebrate “Welcome to the Future”—an event that capitalizes on the prospect that people shouldn’t have to leave Albion College for higher education or a job. We understand the economy is rough and grad school can be costly, so why not stay at Albion College the rest of your years?  Come on out and support your future! Date and time of the event is to be determined.
Posted by: Ryle Koberts – [email protected]

Grab a picket and protest the removal of Seaton Hall

Protest with us! Plans have been put in place for the removal of Seaton Hall, a residential living site on campus (next to Baldwin Hall). A full demolition is planned to make room for a faculty conference center! Where are students to sleep? Where is there money in the budget? Become an activist and help keep Seaton Hall alive! Picketing sessions are every Monday-Friday from 1:00 PM through 2:00 PM right outside Baldwin.

Posted by: Ryle Koberts – [email protected]

Graduating without any job prospects? Join us for a consolatory luncheon!
The recession has put quite a damper on the job market! Prospects for graduating seniors seem
bleak, but fear not! Career Development is here to help!

Join us at the Office of Career Development for a sympathetic luncheon Wednesday evening
from 12-1 pm. We will be distributing informational packets to graduating seniors with topics
like “How to Maximize Living Space in Your Parents’ Basement” as well as “McDonald’s and
Wal-Mart Are Always Hiring: Putting Your Liberal Arts Degree to Work”.

Pizza and refreshments will be served. Bring a friend and/or tissues. Shit’s about to get real.

Posted by: Jary Mones [email protected]


Calling All People Watchers!

The Albion College Walk of Shamers are celebrating the aftermath of Greek Week with a public
viewing from 8-11 am Sunday morning on the lawn next to White House. Stop by and see us as
we cast judgmental stares and heckle young men and women as they emerge from the
fraternities still wearing the previous evening’s attire.
Have a complimentary cup of coffee and blueberry muffin as we publicly shame our peers for
actions they probably don’t remember.

Posted by: Jessica Hatch [email protected]


Get excited! The featured entertainer of this year’s big show will be Sean Kingston (again)!! With such a positive response from the students, we decided to go for a repeat. Kingston promises for the entire show to be entirely lip-synced with minimal dancing and crowd interaction. As always, bring your Albion 1Card to certify the fact that you inadvertently paid for this hellish experience.

Free earplugs to the first 50 in attendance!

Posted by:  Megan Lykke – [email protected]


Today in the Mary Sykes Room

Something you will never have the privilege to eat.

Another dish that sounds way better than what you have molding in your fridge.

This food is only posted here to taunt you.

Posted by:  Shodd Taylor – [email protected]

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