Is Albion socially awkward?

As quoted in the 1985 film, The Breakfast Club, “You see us as you want to see us in the simplest terms and the most convenient definitions. You see us as a brain, an athlete, a basket case, a princess and a criminal. Correct?”

Ever felt a little awkward at a party or in class? Well, good thing that you attend Albion College, voted to be one of the most socially awkward colleges in America by Inside College Magazine.

“You might want to attend a college that is intensely welcoming for the more socially awkward student,” said Inside College Magazine. “At these schools, students can truly come into their own.”

However, being socially awkward isn’t always a bad thing.  Albion is a college community that consists of all different types of people:  the brains, athletes, basket cases, princesses, and criminals.  Mix everyone together, and sure, things might be weird at first, but in the end, it all seems to somehow work.

“Honestly, I don’t think it really makes me feel any different about where I go to school” said Ben Hinks, Grand Haven sophomore. “I enjoy it here. Albion College is a great school with superb academics and an awesome Greek community.”

It’s not uncommon to see a friendly face say “hi” while walking through the quad or to make a five minute run to Baldwin with a group of friends. Even when attending a party, it would be hard to not be welcomed by someone.

“I think that it is funny,” said Berkeley Shaheen, Rochester Hills junior.  “I would not want to attend any other college.”

Albion is certainly unique.  Socially awkward?  Maybe.  Very small campus? Without a doubt.  But, that it is not necessarily a bad thing.

About Jillian Putnam 34 Articles
Jillian is senior graduating in 2014 with a double major in English and Anthropology and a member of Alpha Chi Omega. She has a passion for travel and culture, hoping to pursue a career with National Geographic one day. Until then, she enjoys writing, cooking, and playing with her hedgehog. Contact her at [email protected], @JillianPutnam .

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