Someone was obnoxiously banging on my dorm room door at about 8 p.m. a few weeks ago. I thought maybe the building was on fire. I hurriedly opened it, and to my surprise, some of the guys from one of the campus fraternities were standing there cheering for me. They handed me a letter and asked me to become a part of their fraternity.
I was surprised that I had gotten to this point. But all it starts with some interest. You may know some guys in the house; you may not. But after hanging out over at fraternity row for a little while, you’ll find yourself meeting some awesome, diverse people.
The best part of fraternities at Albion is that you don’t have to fit the stereotype of a “frat boy” to join one. You don’t have to party hard. You don’t have to drink alcohol like a fish. A lot of people say the same line, but only because it’s true—you join because it’s about the bond you form with the members of the house. And my bond proves it, because I don’t drink.
In a survey done by Cornell University shows that on average, fraternity members drank an average of 7.87 drinks per week compared to 3.15 for non-fraternity members. I don’t drink. I never have. I would never be one to fit the profile of a “frat boy.” But all the same, the men of the house accept me as I am; they don’t pressure me into doing things that I’m uncomfortable with.
That’s why the stereotype gets crushed. The fraternities aren’t always about drinking and partying. It’s about that bond you make with the guys.
So I evidentially decided to rush. Now I’m a “pledge,”—a potential member of the house. Pledges take roles in the house almost immediately. They’re expected to clean, partake in the events of the house, and attend weekly meetings to discuss the history of the house to prepare you for the test on the material. All of this is done in preparation to initiate the “pledge” as an “active,”or an official member of the house.
And shortly after you pass the test, you’re a fully active later.
Deciding whether or not you want to join a fraternity is a decision that will change your life. You’ll learn new life skills, acquire more responsibility for yourself, and gain life-long friends.
What a wonderful and refreshingly positive article on Frat Life!! Kyle, you hit in square on the head…it’s about the bonds you make with your brothers that make frat life the best and most positive aspect of your college years!! ^5 for writting this article and I hope you have a great time pledging your frat!! They sure are lucky to have you!! :o)
Funny how things change, eh? Seen you plastered ass drunk sooooo many times. This article is bogus.